Wolfgang-Borchert-Schule Berlin

The open spaces of the schoolyard will be reconfigured together with the modified building cubature and supplemented with additional uses. Two individuated activity belts will emerge of varying character. The rest of the park-like schoolyard area, including its distinctive population of trees, will remain untouched.
A paved in-situ concrete strip marks the contiguous recess area. The play area extends into the spatially closed inner courtyard and links the classrooms with the central outdoor space. A multifunctional playground, a gym area with skating and climbing elements, ping-pong tables, picnic tables near the refectory and an open-air gallery along the arts-and-crafts rooms provide a differentiated sequence of play elements and rest areas. Shaded recreation areas are established underneath the covered connecting walkway. The garden strip dovetails with the existing woodland. Vegetable beds, wildflower meadows and raised beds with berry bushes create an atmospheric school garden with quiet areas of retreat.